How Psoriasis Affects Your Life
2 min readSep 5, 2021

Otezla, Duobril, Clobetasol, Celebrex for Plaque Psoriasis and PSA. Add in Gallons of Aquaphor, 350 mg CBD Rub and Cerave.

I also fight Trigeminal Neuralgia (the suicide disease) Chronic Shingles and Ramsey Hunt from repeated shingles outbreaks in my Trigeminal Nerve tree… for that I take Gabapentin, Valtrex, LLysine, B12 and 50–100 mg of CBD with MCT.

There are days I just don’t want to go on — getting out of bed hurts to much. TN you can’t see so no one understands. Imagine acid being poured on your face while someone jabs you in the temple or cheek with a red hot poker and your eye is popping out all at the same time. No one can see the PSA so they don’t understand why you don’t want to do things, go places — IT HURTS — that’s why. Then you slow people down or your aggravated because IT JUST HURTS. You don’t go out, you lose friends, your family doesn’t get it.

The shingles people see and then add the psoriasis and people look at you like you have leprosy. My hands feel like I have rubbed them on a cheese grater and then proceeded to pour acetone on them on a constant basis.

Thank you for listening I’m just beat up today. Doctors don’t take anything seriously — they make me feel like I did something wrong. WTH NO ONE WOULD ASK FOR THIS CRAP!

I am thankful everyday that I wake up and it’s just the psoriasis lately and not the shingles again. I know many people have the plaques a lot worse than me and I hate to whine — I’m just having a really bad day.


