Psoriasis Bleeding Treatment ?
If the psoriasis skin is torn and bleeding, should I be using an antibiotic ointment or start the psoriasis prescription oil?
Just picked up clobetasol propionate the other day. I feel like my ears are tearing away from my head. Its painful and itchy.
I plan on changing my diet as soon as I get the book that was recommended here. I just need to do something in the meantime for the discomfort.

I would put the antibiotic ointment on the raw areas. You can put the clobetasol on it but it’s going to burn bad. I would sparingly put the clobetsol on the other patches. If you raw patches look better in the morning then go ahead and put the clobetsol on. I would put a moisturizer on top of everything. This is just my advice and I am not a Dr. I
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